Bilete Multiverse w/ Magic Flowers at FORM Space - 15 mar, ora 23:59 - FORM SPACE

Multiverse w/ Magic Flowers at FORM Space

FORM SPACE, Cluj-Napoca

sâmbătă, 15 martie, ora 23:59 acces de la 23:59

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Accesul este permis doar persoanelor peste 18 ani.

Spring Bloom: A Night of Disco with Magic Flowers

Winter fades, and the dancefloor blossoms! Join us on March 15 at FORM Space for a night where disco grooves make everything bloom.

Hailing from Moldova, Magic Flowers brings a lush mix of uplifting disco and hypnotic rhythms, while Vlademir and cultatum keep the energy flowing. Let’s celebrate the arrival of spring with music that makes your soul bloom!

Magic Flowers (MD)

This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites available until 1 AM.