Bilete Poker Face - 15 mar, ora 22:00 - Grand Hotel Bucharest

Poker Face

Grand Hotel Bucharest, București

sâmbătă, 15 martie, ora 22:00

Cumpără bilete

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Entry before 23:00
Entry anytime
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Organizatorul nu permite returul biletelor



Accesul este permis doar persoanelor peste 18 ani.


Call? Fold?… All-in! On Saturday, March 15th, put on your best Poker Face and join us at a unique party, in the Casino within Grand Hotel Bucharest (former Intercontinental). Be prepared, we Bet you can’t handle it!

Red, Black, or Green, all of them are winners, just Dress to Impress, and Mandu will handle the rest!
Hurry up and secure your tickets. Don’t risk losing to a Full-House!
For table reservations & info: 0742.438.594