Arenele Romane, București
miercuri, 18 iunie
Il Divo este un quartet multinational, unul dintre cele mai cunoscute quartete ai scenei muzicale internationale, a carui activitate a inceput in 2003. Pana in prezent au lansat 11 materiale de studio, cel mai recent, 'XX', fiind oferit fanilor in Februarie 2024. Albumele lor au intrat in topuri din intreaga lume ocupand prima pozitie in tari precum Belgia, Norvegia, UK, Portugalia sau Spania, vanzarile acestora aducandu-le multiple Discuri de Platina si Discuri de Aur.
Abordeaza un stil denumit Classical crossover, prin care au reusit sa cucereasca public de toate varstele si din toate tarile. In momentul de fata, Il Divo inseamna David Miller (tenor), Sébastien Izambard (tenor), Urs Bühler (tenor), Steven LaBrie (bariton).
Disclaimer: Please e-mail [email protected] with any customer service questions. All VIP package elements will be rendered invalid if resold. VIP instructions will be sent via email no later than three days (3) prior to the event. If you do not receive this email three days (3) prior please email [email protected]. Your VIP merchandise will either be handed out on-site or shipped - specifics will be emailed no later than 3 days before your event. All VIP package elements and contents are non-transferable; no refunds or exchanges; all sales are final. All VIP items and experiences are subject to change. Please note that the information provided at the time of purchase (e-mail and mailing address) is the same information that will be utilized for shipping and individual contact requirements where applicable. 237 Global, the artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase. If you have any questions regarding your VIP elements, or have not received you VIP information within three days (3) of the event date, please email [email protected]. Please add [email protected] to your safe senders list to ensure receipt of all necessary show information.